onsdag den 22. november 2017

Thanksgiving break

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and as the only one in the family I still have one workday left. And here I am, in Luca’s bed (so I don’t wake anybody up when I leave) at way-too-early-to-get-up-o-clock having been woken up by annoying dog. Sigh.Here he is BTW. “Annoying dog”❤️
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We have plenty to do. Some items on the list are more - ehm - interesting than others. Luca has a project in school, where he has to turn a book into a board game. Yup. We can do that👍🏻
The kid has chosen a book about a Jewish boy surviving concentration camps during world war 2. We are SO screwed! We have plenty of ideas for how to play the game (spoiler alert: the winner is the one who survives), but how to set it up in a way that’s true to the situation without offending anyone? That will be a hard one.
We also need to decorate for Christmas. Including getting a tree. Last year we skipped it because of travels. This year we are traveling again, but we will get that tree nevertheless.
And we will make desserts for thanksgiving dinner at my colleagues house. We have been binge watching Zumbo’s Just Desserts on Netflix the past few weeks, and now all we can think of is desserts. I’ll (re)make maple bacon pecan pie and then we found these:
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Yes please!
Last but not least I need to recover from watching Luca wrestle in a middle school meet. My precious little (well, actually quite tall), skinny, and loving 12 year old up against monstrous looking muscular 14 year olds! Sort of...... okay maybe I exaggerated a little.......
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That is Luca in blue. And even though he lost, he was happy and had fun (and did not get lifted up in the air and then slam dunked into the mattress like some of the other kids. Phew).
Well, time to start the coffee. Mondays and Tuesdays I’ll have to restrict my coffee intake as I do brain infusions and there is absolutely no way I can hit that tiny little hollow tube attached to the head of a moving rat, if my hands are caffeine shaking just a little bit. It does not make it any better that these rats are quite skinny and squirmy and curious and all over the freaking place all the time. Hrmpf. But today there are no restrictions. Yay. Bring the caffeine on!

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